Exclusive Properties Services by Ellika
ELLIKA pioneering once again in the Greek real estate market trying to solve the huge bureaucratic problem presented in a real estate sale, offers to the owners the new service « Exclusive Properties Services by Ellika » A department accompanied by lawyers, civil engineers and accountants undertakes to complete the property file and delivers it to the buyer's notary for the execution of the contract. Τhis service is offered completely free of charge to the owners who will assign us exclusively their property.
A. The office undertakes to issue the following:
1. Tax transmitter clearance of the transferor (seller / donor / provider).
2. Copy of building permit (if it is issued from March 1983 onwards) and floor plans.
3. Certificate that the tax inheritance, dowry, donation or parental benefit has been paid by the Tax Office that submitted the relevant declaration, if the property has been acquired in one of the above ways, from 1-1-1995 until today, otherwise the relevant contract .
4. Certificate of buildings energy efficiency.
5. Insurance clearance from National Social Insurance.
6. Cadastral diagram extract.
7. Unified Property Ownership Tax for the previous five (5) years.
8. Topographic with coordinates (for plots).
9. Certificate (in electronic form) of an engineer regarding the non-existence of arbitrary constructions, according to the provisions of Law 4178/2013 (Government Gazette 174 / A / 8-8-2013).
It should be noted that regarding the certificate of non-existence of arbitrary constructions, the office offers the issuance of the certificate free of charge and NOT the cost of the legalizations that may be needed.
10. Property tax ( from Municipality).
11. Digital building identity.